Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Macaron Dilemma

A Macaron is not a Macaroon. One is a french pastry and one is a sticky coconut cookie. What is a Paris themed party without a Paris Macaron? They are great for parties because they come in so many great colors. If your talented enough you can even make them into a tree.

I really don't think a bunch of first graders will care about a plate of Macarons. So I will order them and pretend they are for the party then eat most of them myself.
So my dilemma is they are pretty pricey yet not easy to make. I'd also have to have them shipped because French pastry are hard to come by in these parts.
These are from Pix Patisserie and they even make a pretty pink one that will go perfect with my pink and white color scheme.


  1. Oooooo those definitely look worth ordering!!

    I'm your newest follower from Friday Follow. :)

  2. That is very pretty. I hope you enjoy them all! Glad to have you part of the fun of Friday Follow. Rita @
